Mission: to raise awareness and reach out to those in North Tyneside who are not on the Radar of many socially essential services because they are digitally excluded. This to all who consider themselves vulnerable, regardless of age or ability and who must confront the challenges of adapting to a digital world or suffer the consequences of becoming digitally and potentially, financially and socially excluded.
our drop-in service is a safe and secure where users can develop both digital skills and increase their social circles of support. many become volunteers (Digital Befrienders) peer supporting others by sharing what they have learnt. Our service operates over two days per week for people to pop in and others days for specific project work. The service is embedded into the local community and is fully accessible to wheelchair users including a café for use by victors where they can socialise over a tea/coffee or a bite to eat and share interests that lead to participation in local community activities such as music making, cinema club and arts and crafts. we have 17 volunteer online chum mentors representing a cross-section of the local population i.e. some are disabled, elderly retired professionals, FE students-the latter adding a intergenerational dynamic to active learning. some of our volunteers with specific digital skills offer remote support to those who are housebound. all our volunteers are DSB checked and inducted into our policy and practice such as confidentiality and adult safeguarding. we now have 18 to 20 new users monthly some with one- off support requiring longer term help. approximately half of those receiving ongoing help with our project community development work i.e. outreach workshops, marketing events and research, etc.

It is great to be part of this service.
Is this what i am part of?
Thats a really good idea I would really like that to happen to.
This description you have used is very good Simon. maybe we can download this for use attached to other documents? Maybe we can insert in your digital biography?