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North Tyneside Chairman's Commendation Award Scheme Tuesday 13th June 2017

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This award was given to Vicki Peacock, Park View Project's volunteer Online Chum, in recognition of her commitment and guidance provided to others trying to make sense of the digital world.  This was presented at the Council Chamber, North Tyneside Council by Councillor Cath Davis MBE

Throughout the borough of North Tyneside there are hundreds of people who happily give up their time to help their local community. The Chairman of North Tyneside Councils Commendation Award Scheme was introduced to recognize those individuals and groups who give unselfishly to others in terms of their kindness, time and effort and making a significant personal contribution either to their local community or by helping other residents.

Vicki was unable to attend but quoted: "I thank all who supported me in getting this award and honored to have received a Bronze award for my voluntary work at Park View Project, Whitley Bay. My nomination came from Bob Dennis the Project coordinator at Park View Project and to whom I will always be grateful for his help and support in my volunteering".  "This award was very unexpected and a humbling experience. Unfortunately I was on holiday abroad at the time of the ceremony but my friend and colleague Martin Lee (Online Chum) picked up the award on my behalf".

The award was for Vicki's Online Chum mentoring role at the Park View Project which provides support to older people in relation to social media and to those who have suffered cyber crime. This also included support facilitating individuals participating in World War One projects and her research and articles about the war and its devastating effects on the borough of North Tyneside.

One of our volunteers Vicki Peacock receiving her commendation award

Vicki Peacock - Volunteer Online Chum Mentor 

This website is designed, produced and updated by our volunteers 2017
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