Young people often images or 'selfies' and there is potential for some of those to be nude or nearly nude images. Young people share 'nudes' for number of reasons, and some situations are more risky than others. for information about the contexts in which are shared and how best to respond, a look at nude selfies: a parents guide.
Northumbria police need young people to understand the risks involved in downloading or sharing indecent images of children. In April 2021 we launched a campaign to highlight the risks of sharing indecent images online by children and young people, and since then our officers Nichola and Sean have taught 4450 students in 45 schools on this topic. During our sessions, we learned: *over half of students did not know it was legal to post a nude on the internet or send one via messaging *the majority of students said there was no safe way to send a nude'
*Most students said they would not tell an adult at home if they received a nude because they were embarrassed and were afraid that their parents/carers would take away their devices
What does the law say?
it is against the law to download make or share the images or videos if the persons(s) in them are under 18 years or the person receiving them is under 18 years, even if it is you in them! once these are sent you can never them back and you risk potential criminal proceedings